Bookkeeping / accounting / accounts payable / audits management
As certified accounting and controlling experts we will complete your annual closing according to local regulations. If required, this can include reporting to the parent company. We will also complete VAT returns and prepare any formalities required for dividend payments.
Accounts payable and general bookkeeping will be completed accordingly and in a timely manner. You will receive the month-end closing within the agreed timeframe.

By providing us the online access to your social security contribution partners, you will enable us to complete any administrative task relating to your personnel.
Preparing employment contracts
Maintaining personnel records
Registering sick leave
Preparing termination letters
Preparing reference letters
Preparing workplace policies

Our modern software solutions provide a fast and efficient review of your VAT accounts making the periodic declaration an uncomplicated and efficient task.

Taxes (income tax in particular)
The broad spectrum of tax regulations in Switzerland can seem daunting. Having clients throughout Switzerland has provided us with an extensive knowledge within the different tax areas.

Business setup and insurance research
You decide and sign and we will complete the rest. We provide in-depth consultation on suitable insurance solutions for you, due to our excellent network. When possible, we will complete the setup of your business online. Often this will save you expensive legal fees.

OUTSOURCING (wages, social insurance, withholding tax)
Switzerland has 26 cantons, meaning 26 different and complex individual processes and regulations,which need to be considered for the personnel administration and payroll. Income tax and child
maintenance is regulated differently in each canton. In Switzerland child maintenance is regulated through the employer adding an additional task. We provide an experienced and efficient service; your resources will be able to spend their valuable time on the core business.
We provide the following HR services
Data entry
Monitoring of employee permits
Preparing payslips and bank payment files
Preparing and reporting income tax statements
Registering loss of earnings compensation and maternity and paternity leave
Registering sick leave
Preparing and reporting social security contributions
Preparing end of year certificates
Data management in all systems
Payroll & social security contributions